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Sunday, May 30, 2010

yellow jilbab "barbie rumbai"

Barbie jilbab is clamped at the front, and the ends tied braids. Sweeten with a brooch.

green jilbab "barbie rumbai"

Ornamental appeal is placed on the front fringe. How to make jilbab clamped at both ends dililit2kan back then in the neck with a neat and try one located on the front fringe

Thursday, May 27, 2010

beautiful jilbab pink

beautiful jilbab pink

Price: Log In to view prices

Buy 1 - $15

Buy 5 - $5

Buy 20 - $4.50

Buy 60 - $4

Buy 100 - $3.50

Fabric - Cooling Spandex

Packing type - rolls

Colors - Multi

Size - M (standard)

Design - varies for each hijab

Choice of colors - Random

beautiful jilbab wholesale

beautiful jilbab wholesale

beautiful jilbab wholesale

wholesale jilbab has two beautiful colors: pink and blue.jilbab flower designs are usually a lot like the women because it depicts the beauty of women

jilbab wholesale color orange,red and blue

blue jilbab wholesale

red jilbab wholesale

orange jilbab wholesale

We add more designs every month so to create a new and fresh choice for you!
You will enjoy how your customers will appreciate our designs that you sell. This we guarantee!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

picture jilbab fashions show

picture jilbab fashions show

picture jilbab fashions show

picture jilbab fashions show

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dress Jilbab Brides Deborah Collection

jilbab Pengantin

Dress Jilbab Brides Deborah Collection

If you intend to hold a wedding but still have not found the right wedding dresses at affordable prices, please contact us. Deborah COLLECTION provides rental and sewing wedding dresses

jilbab bridal by fatmasari

jilbab pengantin by fatmasari

jilbab bridal by fatmasari

Shown wrapped in Islamic, does not mean can not fashionable. Muslim style much favored today, inspiring the creation of various models.

Head coverings are better known as hijab, today no longer stuck with a conservative style. Can dipadupadankan with traditional ornaments, ornament, to International, or flowers.
One of them like this view.

elegant and exclusive jilbab bridal


elegant and exclusive jilbab bridal
Name:Sparkling Wedding
Material:Ornaments Vanesia
Insprirasi: Luxury bridal dress is created with a mix of border and sequins ornament the bersiluet feminine, suggesting elegant and exclusive. Ornaments: border and sequins for the party chance.
Inner Box:
Stelan: USD,. 1.615 million - Rp. 1.63 million
Inner Box:Suits Jackets: Rp. 1.026 million, - Jas Bride: Rp. 448 000
Inner Box:
jilbab: Rp. 120000-138000

Friday, May 21, 2010

jilbab bride by fatmasari

Shown in her un-Islamic, does not mean can not be fashionable. Muslim style much favored today, inspiring the creation of various models.

Head coverings are better known as hijab, today no longer stuck with a conservative style. Can dipadupadankan with traditional ornaments, ornament, to International, or flowers.
One of them like this view

jilbab pengantin by fatmasari

Stylish Jilbab Modern Bride

Usually wearing a hijab model like this using a combination of two hijab. After that, add jewelry and fresh flowers, and babybreath ros.

Model Jilbab like this though seems complicated but we can finish within approximately 20 minutes. So that the client will not wait too long.

Hijab model like this can also be added headkerchief or a long veil. Such models typically worn by the bride who wanted a modern look. You Did one of them??

Thursday, May 20, 2010

white and pink jilbab bride

pink jilbab pengantin

Every woman must have a dream wedding dress that will be used at the time they were married. The queen of this day was definitely want excellent performance in the eyes of his visitors. Because they would be subject to pay attention to what the bride.

Who do not use the veil, can be creative in accordance with the wishes of wedding dress. But that does not mean those who use the hijab can not be creative with her dress though saatt model, a special wedding dress veil users are still limited.

Trends veiled wedding dress today, according to IRNA Pearl, a designer gown, wearing only a T-shirt plus kebaya. Wedding Gown still shows the shape of the body with a simple model of the hijab

creation of a jilbab Muslim bride

jilbab pengantin modern

Starting from the frequency of Anggun and Alia Reading Magazines, Inspiration for bridal creations appear. This idea of getting a response fortunate family and colleagues. Lia Sodara joining my friend who once had a bridal makeup makeup Basic adds confidence to develop the Creative Bride Muslim headscarf.
Creative Hopefully this makes more beautiful and elegant bridal day happiness.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

jilbab bride made of siffon chameleon

Bridal poncho made of sequined japan USD siffon chameleon. 125 000 - pre order one week

price of non-core including necklaces jilbab

Bridal veils embroidered + gliter - Rp. 120 000 - preorder one week, non glitter USD. 100 000

populer beautiful jilbab bride

became the bride is the moment especially for a girl. because KC will understand your need to be special in a special day to bring the series eksklusuf KC bridal veil.

Jilbab we call a wedding "Rahma". Jilbab is made of fine silk and mantab luster, on the edge of the veil decorated with diamonds jointly and severally, no less luster. This rectangular hijab wear when you deserve sakaral moment in your life.

Jilbab is easily shaped to meet your desires so that the restriction still remains veiled syar'i you can watch,

smooth fabric so it does not heat, ok Have a special veil for your special day.

very easy to get one, please order the color that you want us then we will send the goods to your home.

Size: 1 × 1 m

price: Rp. 450 000 / pcs

Wholesale: Rp. 385 000 min 2 pcs

Sunday, May 16, 2010

gallery jilbab grosir

gallery jilbab grosir murah

gallery jilbab grosir

warna warni gallery jilbab grosir

Tampil istimewa di saat2 istimewa, Ciput pesta dengan hiasan bunga seruni dan payet jepang yang mewah. paduan warna-warnanya yang chic, Tak tahan ingin memiliki :) Sangat praktis dan mudah dipakai. Jadi bagi anda yang belum bisa menghias kerudung untuk ke acara pesta, Ciput ini adalah solusinya :)

Harga Retail : Rp. 55,000.-/pcs
Harga Grosir : Rp. 44,000.-/pcs (untuk pembelian min.6 pcs)

The most popular beautiful jilbab

beautiful jilbab

jilbab grosir

The most popular beautiful jilbab

Show special on special occasions, party Ciput chrysanthemums decorated with sequins and a luxurious Japanese. blend the colors are chic, not stand to have:) Very practical and easy to use. So for those of you that have not been able to decorate the veil to the party, Ciput this is the solution:)

Retail Price: Rp. 55.000 .-/pcs
Wholesale Price: USD. 44.000 .-/pcs (for purchase min.6 pcs)

jilbab grosir murah payet jepang bunga

jilbab grosir payet jepang bunga berwarna ungu tersebut banyak yang minat dikalangan putri terutama para mahasiswi.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jilbab Jumbo wholesale Rayon Sulam

Adult size Jilbab seperut: Jilbab Jumbo Combination Rp.22000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Sulam Rp.22000 Rayon Jumbo (1kodi min),
Normal Adult Hijab: Jilbab Ketupat Rayon USD. 18 000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Fan Songket Sulam Rp.20000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Pasmira Polos USD. 15 000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Rempel Rp.18000 Initial (min 1kodi), Hijab Stick Rp.18000 Towel Rayon (min 1kodi), Hijab Stick shoulders Rayon USD. 15 000 (min 1kodi).

Jilbab grosir Jumbo Kombinasi

Jilbab Dewasa ukuran seperut : Jilbab Jumbo Kombinasi Rp.22000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Jumbo Rayon Sulam Rp.22000 (min 1kodi),
Jilbab Dewasa Normal : Jilbab Ketupat Rayon Rp. 18000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Kipas Songket Sulam Rp.20000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Pasmira Polos Rp. 15000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Rempel Initial Rp.18000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Stick Handuk Rayon Rp.18000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Stick Pundak Rayon Rp. 15000 (min 1kodi).

jilbab is a different definition of beauty

Sport hijab! I love it. Nice style of hijab when running or taking a class at the gym

Friday, May 14, 2010

Jilbab Grosir Murah untuk anak-anak

Jilbab Grosir menyediakan berbagai Jilbab Anak diantaranya : Jilbab Anak Kerut Rp.9000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Anak Pildacil Rp.7000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Anak Robbani Motif Rp.9000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Anak Serut Rp.10000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Anak Strawberry Serut Rp.8000 (min 1kodi), Jilbab Anak Strawberry Tali Rp.8000 (min 1kodi).

jilbab grosir siana tali batik

jilbab grosir siana tali batik tersebut dengan Bahan: SpandekPutih, Krem, coklat, Hitam, abu-abu ( dll ) Sedang sebahu, Hiasan dikepala, dua tali smping kiri dan kanan yang bisa di ikatkan sesuai dengan selera pemakaiHargaEceran Rp.27000, Grosir Rp.24000

4 macam jilbab grosir murah desain batik

4 macam jilbab grosir murah desain batik

anda ingin mencari jilbab yang murah dengan dengan desain yang bagus seperti di atas yaitu 4 macam jilbab grosir murah desain batik dengan harga Rp.189.900.Ingin tampil beda dengan jilbab batik pasti jadi lebih unik

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

jilbab grosir cantik kancing 4 stripes

jilbab grosir cantik kancing 4 stripes instan/langsungan hadir kembali dengan hiasan pola 4 garis di bagian atas dan dada. Disertai pula dengan hiasan kancing dan terdapat 2 tali pada bagian belakang jilbab yang bisa digunakan untuk mengatur rapat tidaknya jilbab pada leher dan juga sebagai pemanis jilbab cantik ini. Berbahan Kaos. Simple but Elegant!


Harga Eceran : Rp 52.000 /pcs

Harga Grosir :

- Rp 43.500 /pcs | Min 3 pcs
- Rp 38.500 /pcs | Min 20 pcs

jilbab grosir siana tali batik

Negara Asal: Indonesia
Harga: 24000
Cara Pembayaran: Transfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & Pengiriman: -
Keterangan: JIHAN 1 ( JH ) Bahan: SpandekPutih, Krem, coklat, Hitam, abu-abu ( dll ) Sedang sebahu, Hiasan dikepala, dua tali smping kiri dan kanan yang bisa di ikatkan sesuai dengan selera pemakaiHargaEceran Rp.27000, Grosir Rp.24000

four Model Muslim Jilbab Fashion

Monday, May 3, 2010

all sorts jilbab with color

At home, he proudly wore a headscarf. When he came out of his room, the father and his mother screamed. They are angry not playing and asked that his son be released immediately all sorts jilbab with color.children it certainly felt very upset ... imagine, the father against his own mother for wearing a headscarf. The child tries to hold fast to her decision but her father threatened to terminate the parental relationship and child when he insisted.

He recognized the child will not remain forever if want to use the hijab. The boy whined-Gerung uncontrollably. He felt a very poor child's destiny.

Despair not, he asked the teacher where she went to talk with their parents. What is immoral, the teacher refused. He tried again to talk with the cleric near his home to persuade her parents to be allowed to wear the all sorts jilbab with color ... the result? A big zero! The cleric also rejected. This child has never felt such grief that afflicted.

collection Jilbab Muslim Swarovski

Have attended the latest products from the Muslim headscarf from Jazzmine Swarovski collection Jilbab Muslim Swarovski. Bring luxury that will make your outfit in style.

There are many patterns and colors, if you like something you booked directly. Do not run out

beautiful jilbab Rabbani Picanto and Stella

beautiful jilbab Rabbani Picanto and Stella is adding a corsage or brooch with matching or contrasting color on the hood 'carens'. For formal occasions, choose a corsage or brooch with a large enough size. beautiful jilbab Rabbani Picanto and Stella produce one type of veil in four sizes, namely XS, S, M, and XL. ''Please select according to taste, but despite its size XS, hood we still meet syari instant,''said Nia. aan

Sunday, May 2, 2010

beautiful jilbab Rabbani

Who says wearing veil is always memorable casual shirts made? In the hands of Nia Kurnia, director CV Asysa beautiful jilbab Rabbani, an instant veil was made from t-shirts can look beautiful for formal occasions.

Various creations such as the type of veil 'picanto,' carens' and 'innova' hood to make the look nicer. You only need to add accessories such as necklaces, rings veils, corsages, brooches, or a scarf to beautify.

We would like to appear official, various options can be done. First, a thin veil of fabric wrapped with matching colored veil 'picanto' in the head, and locked with a ring shawl. To sweeten the look, pair matching necklace or the gradation with colored pins.

2010 trends jilbab fashions muslim

Although the 2010 trends jilbab fashions muslim silhouettes are offered not much different from previous collections, the display light and modern ready-made collection of up2date This looks more urban and comfortable to wear.

Spandex jersey material, which was lightweight and comfortable, not the ingredients that are commonly used as Muslim dress. But, with a unified concept of the game cutting and matching, spandex transformed into a mild-looking Muslim dress and 2010 trends jilbab fashions muslim.

trends jilbab Munajah Love from jakarta

jilbab 'Munajah Love' or hijab 'Khumaira' seems to be a fashion trend Lebaran 2008. He replaces Kris Kristofferson veil or dress koko 'Uje "which became fashion trends Lebaran previous year.

Before Lebaran, jilbab 'Munajah Love' much sought-Muslim women. Just be advised Ryanti Cartwight appear very beautiful when wearing this hijab. This hijab worn when playing Khumaira Ryanti in sinetron "Munajah Love." That is why the headscarf is often referred to as the hijab or headscarf Khumaira Munajah Love.

The targeting of Muslim women who veil is most reasonable because it was trendy. In addition, its model is unique because it combines a variety of motives in a hijab.

"Veil good, very good use, suitable for Lebaran day," said Yuni, when asked why buy jlbab Munajah Love, in the Tanah Abang Market, Monday (09/15/2008).

Isma another reason. The girl who worked in private companies claim they searched the hijab 'Munajah Love "out of curiosity. "Many of my friends and family in the village who have bought the message. And I do not know yet which one," Isma's story.

After seeing the direct Isma felt it appropriate because the headscarf width and fashionable. "According to Shari'a, not tiny so it can cover the chest," said the sweet girl.

But Isma said, the price of this beautiful scarf was still quite costly. For retail, per piece cost Rp 75 thousand-USD 90 thousand.

Soleha, the seller in the Muslim fashion Wholesale Center Tanah Abang Blok A confirmed, hijab 'Munajah Love' was much in demand. He confessed in a day could sell 40 more pieces.

About the price, if you want a cheaper price, you better buy it wholesale. In Tanah Abang, when buying three pieces, you can simply spend USD 150 thousand. In addition, the wholesale center is also available a variety of hues. You just select the color and model you like.

"The price is USD 75.000/lembar for retail, wholesale price if you buy USD 50,000," said Soleha.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

busana muslim jilbab islamic fashion

you are a Muslim woman who wants to find the latest fashions or a modern veil are not still cover aurat.
on this blog we give examples like the ones above are busana muslim jilbab islamic fashion

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